职 务:
专 业:工程力学
电子信箱: zhuwei@lzu.edu.cn
传 真:
《大型软件应用》 (本科生54学时)
1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目“风沙环境下高雷诺数壁湍流结构及其演化机理研究”,2015.1-2019.12,参与人。
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“风沙流/沙尘暴流场特性及其湍流结构的测量与分析”,2013.1-2017.12,参与人。
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索项目“三维沙波纹生长及其对地表输沙的影响研究”,2012.1-2013.12,负责人。
1. Zheng, X., Wang, G., Bo, T., & Zhu, W. (2015). Field observations on the turbulent features of the near-surface flow fields and dust transport during dust storms. Procedia Iutam, 17, 13-19.
2. Wang G H, Bo T L, Zhang J H, Zhu W, Zheng, X J, Transition region where the Large and Very Large Scale Motions coexist in Atmospheric Surface Layer: Wind Tunnel Investigation. Journal of Turbulence, 2014, 15 (3).
3. Shao Zhen Duan, Wei Zhu, Xiao Jing Zheng, Numerical investigation on two-grain-bed collisions in windblown sand transport, Powder Technology, 2013, Vol. 235, 431-436.
4. Bo T L, Zhang H, Zhu W, Zheng X J, Theoretical prediction of electric fields in wind-blown sand. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2013, 118: 4494-4502.
5. Zheng X J, Zhang J H, Wang G H, Liu H Y, Zhu W, Investigation on Very Large Scale Motions (VLSMs) and their influence in a dust storm, Science in China, 2013, Vol.56, No.2: 306–314.
6. Zheng X J, Bo T L, Zhu W, A scale-coupled method for simulation of the formation and evolution of aeolian dune field, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 10(3): 387-395.
7. Zheng X J, Zhu W, Xie L, A probability density function of liftoff velocities in mixed-size wind sand flux, Science in China (Series G), 2008, 51(8): 976-985.
8. 朱伟,任晓川,郑晓静. 湍流扩散多相流. 力学进展, 40(5), 2010.